RAiD is being developed to automatically prepare and submit research service applications on behalf of European researchers

The FAIRCORE4EOSC project in Europe is developing an online marketplace for European researchers and collaborators to easily select the multiple 'research services' they wish to apply for. 

The FAIRCORE4EOSC project in Europe is developing an online marketplace for European researchers and collaborators to easily select the multiple 'research services' (for example, access to a supercomputer or data centre for project results) they wish to apply for.  

RAiD will be used firstly to store and access each European project’s metadata information and then, via the FAIRCORE4EOSC marketplace's framework, support a researcher in preparing their selected research applications, like this

How FAIRCORE4EOSC’s marketplace will use RAiD

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) RAiD service will be integrated into the FAIRCORE4EOSC marketplace. 

When a researcher selects service resources via the EOSC marketplace, they will be prompted to register a RAiD to start tracking related project or research activities.  (Where needed, this process can facilitate the granting of resources within EOSC.)  Additionally, a researcher can add EOSC resources to a RAiD metadata record via an EOSC service point. 

The EOSC RAiD service will also be integrated within the RDGraph, whereby a researcher can add newly discovered EOSC resources to a RAiD metadata record via a RAiD service point.

RAiD is intended to also save European researchers much research service application time and effort.  Rather than researchers needing to manually enter their project information into each application required, RAiD will soon be used to automatically prepare and submit multiple applications simultaneously to each marketplace-selected research service.

Further benefits of the FAIRCORE4EOSC project using RAiD include:

  • The durable linking of RAiD project metadata information, such as collaborators, funders, people (contributors), organisations, resources and outputs associated with individual projects

  • RAiD project or activity interrelationships, which enhance the quality of metadata information available for project assessment (including the European Open Science Cloud's (EOSC's) services discovery and utilisation (e.g.) via the EOSC research RDGraph)

  • RAiD serving as a RAiD project or activity’s archive location

  • RAiD has an epistemic role, as it facilitates reproducibility.


Oliver Hildebrand is investigating interactions between chemicals and needs a supercomputer to do various simulations.  When applying for access to such a computer through the FAIRCORE4EOSC marketplace, Oliver adds a RAiD to his application, which enables the EOSC RAiD system to identify the required RAiD metadata information needed for this research service application, and then automatically fill out and submit this application on his behalf.

Implement standardised RAiD minting, identification and sharing

The ARDC is committed to supporting the further development and uptake of RAiD across the world.  With considerable dedication over multiple years in developing RAiD, the ARDC has been appointed by the International Standards Organization (ISO) as the RAiD’s Registration Authority in RAiD ISO 23527.  

ISO 23527 is RAiD’s international development and governance standard that ensures interoperability and continuity of all minted RAiDs, RAiD systems and RAiD services over time.  RAiD’s standardisation gives assurance to the global research community that RAiDs have been designed for reliable RAiD discovery, access, storage, updating, sharing and linking to other RAiDs, and all stored project inputs and outputs.  

RAiD governance also ensures that all minted RAiDs contain the same identifiable, traceable and stable DOI RAiD handle ’10.25’ that is resolvable using a DOI RAiD proxy server in a web browser.